Page name: Sisters United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-05-24 22:05:46
Last author: Kid Raven
Owner: Kid Raven
# of watchers: 10
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Hello and welcome to Sisters United

Was found and made by [Kid Raven] your big sister This wiki is for the young girls of elftown. For big sisters to look out for you all and are here to help you. To be lil sis must be under 18. If over 18 you will be a mid sis. The only way you can become a big sis is show us that you can take care of the lil or mid sis of elftown. All so a quiz will be given to you to take to all so help use with seeing if you can be a real big sis.


Sister Quizs Here

Sister quiz #1

Sister Quiz #2


Big Sister

Sister Raven

[Kid Raven]

Sister Leiara

[Khronos Atmosphaera]

Mid Sisters

[~*lil_kitsune*~]Sister Kitsune

[Nuktae-tal]Sister Nuktae-tal

[Light for the Darkness]Sister Kairi

Lil Sisters

[Amiantos Khronos]Sister Aya
[Sister Insomnia]Sister Aaralynn
[Vampire Akis]Sister Kat
[Demon Epona]Sister Epona
[*(.Randi.)*]Sister Randi

Mid Sis

Lil Sis

This is were all of the pics of the lil and mid sis are.

Username (or number or email):


[Kid Raven]: T_T sad one of my fish daied not to long ago T_T and its was one that Tenshi-Chan give me befor she moved T_T sorry I suck at keeping fish poor things

[Light for the Darkness]: awwww that sucks!!

[Light for the Darkness]: I had a fish my aunt gave me and they had it for a long time, and then I think I had it for like, three years or something before it died... lol he was a beta.... oh and he used to follow me around the house too!! well, from inside his fish bowl thing

[Kid Raven]: lol cute

[Light for the Darkness]: lol yea! it was really sad when he died... lol but that was a long time ago.... and now I have another beta and his name is Zypher.... I dont remember why I named him that though... lol I think the male betas are prettier than the females... but you cant have two betas in the same bowl though(or at least two males or two of the same gender) cause since they are fighting fish, they'll kill eachother.... lol incase you didn't already know that... lol sorry....

[Kid Raven]: yeah lol i have 3 betas 2 guys and one girl. Ones named Pinky and the others i forget there names they were Tenshi-Chan's fish.

[Light for the Darkness]: they were? thats cool!

[Kid Raven]: yup i took them befor she moved back I miss her T_T my lil sis come back T_T

[Light for the Darkness]: I'll bet you do!!

[Kid Raven]: yup T__T

[Light for the Darkness]: I sorry.... I had a friend that did that and she just recently moved back.... but her father died... thats why....

[Kid Raven]: iam sorry yeah i wish Tenshi would have stay here she my only true friend here and i lost and bored with out her T_T

[Light for the Darkness]: awwww I know the feeling... I'm sorry!! -hugs-

[Kid Raven]: thanx *hugs back*

[Light for the Darkness]: your welcome... ^-^ it sucks....

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: I like cheese.

[Light for the Darkness]: you do? whats your favorite kind?

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Oooh, I hearts feta (sp?) cheese.

[Light for the Darkness]: hmmm... I'm not sure I've heard of that before.....

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Its Greek! Mmmmm!

[Light for the Darkness]: ohhhh thats cool!!!

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Mmm.. its sooo yummy!

[Light for the Darkness]: I'ma have to try it sometime!!!!

[Kid Raven]: o_O like all CHEESE O_O


[Light for the Darkness]: O.O -laughs- oooooo its like, 57 degrees outside.... and 67 in the house.... >.< unfair!!! -is freezing-

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: That sucks!

[Light for the Darkness]: -nods- yea it does!!! and I think its another day like that too!! I'm not on messanger so I cant look but its still really cold in the house though!!

[Kid Raven]: i hate the cold -_-

[Light for the Darkness]: -nods- I do too..... and for some reason, ok I'm usually hot blooded but the past couple of days, I've been soooo cold!! and I have no idea why!!

[Kid Raven]: thtas sucks

[Light for the Darkness]: -nods- yea it does!!

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: It's like... cold now....

[Light for the Darkness]: -nods- its freezing over here!! I think it said its supposed to get down to near 30 degrees tonight!!

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Oh my gosh! Dx

[Light for the Darkness]: I know!!! thankfully my mom bought me and my brothers these really warm blankets!! they're fuzzy!! we got them not this past Christmas, but the Christmas before... I love them!!! I'm got wild cats on mine!!

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Aww cool! I loove blankets! I have like... a mass collection of blankets...

[Light for the Darkness]: I love blankets too!! I just use that one but if something ever happened where I had to take one thing that I didn't technically need, I'd probably take that blanket.... lol its kindof like..... like a security blanket... lol its just something really close to me that I think if I lost, I'd feel really insecure.... thats about all I can think of to word it.... lol its probably not good I'm so attached to it though... lol

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: No... no, because Raven has a blanket like that... well... it's what is left of her blanket... she carries it in her purse actually. lol! ^^

I'm freaked out.

It started raining... really hard. Then it hailed for like 2 seconds, and then it stopped both rainning and hailing. Then a minute later it started raining again, really hard. It jsut stopped... now it's raining again...

oh my gosh it just quit again!!! What the craaaaap!?!?!

[Light for the Darkness]: she does? oh thats cool then! lol!

ooooo that is freaky!!!! I'm shocked its not raining here yet!! it most likely will though cause like, the past at least I think four years its rained on my birthday I think.... so its really odd it hasn't yet... lol I'm expecting it to come any time now!! lol now watch, it wont because I'm expecting it... lol

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Yeah, it probably won't come now! lol! Which wil be good! ^^ Uh... it's all sunny now... O_o

[Light for the Darkness]: thats freaky!!! lol yea it probably wont!!! lol

[Vampire Akis]: what do you girls think of [Bladieboe]? ^^" *little hearts around my head*

[Light for the Darkness]: haha he looks sweet and funny!! and kinda fond of you too

[Vampire Akis]: WHEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK OO!!!

[Light for the Darkness]: -laughs slightly- your welcome!!

[Kid Raven]: [Hello Is any one in here over 18 to become a Big Sis?]

[Kid Raven]: [All so dose any one have any ideas for this wiki?]

[Light for the Darkness]: no sorry not 18 yet... just turned 16 though if that'll help any. and ummm..... not yet no

[Kid Raven]: ok thanx ^_^

[Kid Raven]: [All so one last thing send this wiki to you gril friends who want to be a helping hand or need a helping hand Thanx]

[Light for the Darkness]: kk will do!!!

[Kid Raven]: k ^_^

[Nuktae-tal]: hello thank you for inviting me!

[Kid Raven]: yup any time Welcome new sis [I'll will be takeing password off. YAY]

[Kid Raven]: all so tal what would you like you r sister name to be >?

[Light for the Darkness]: lol kk yay!! hey I gotta question... can I change to a mid sis now? or may I rather? or something?

[Kid Raven]: yes you can

[Light for the Darkness]: thank you!! -hugs-

[Light for the Darkness]: should I change it?

[Kid Raven]: a big sis is over 18 mid sis when you dont want to be a big sis.Lil sis is under the age of 15

[Kid Raven]: yuo can or i can I don't care no more password woooot

[Light for the Darkness]: lol sorry I left my house and didnt know I was going to get back on

[Vampire Akis]: Akis is tall! not over 18 ^^ *giggles*

[Vampire Akis]: really! ^^"

[Light for the Darkness]: lol I'm kinda... medium sized I guess and 16.... lol

[Vampire Akis]: hehe

[Light for the Darkness]: lol whatever 5'5 is... or what you'd say it is.... lol

[Vampire Akis]: Me is 6!! and proud!

[Light for the Darkness]: you're 6 foot? oooo!! thats cool!!

[Vampire Akis]: yep ^^ I can play basketball

[Light for the Darkness]: thats awesome!! I love basketball!!! my best friend taught me when I was like, in 3rd grade... haha he was awesome!! but I haven't seen him in a really long time

[Amiantos Khronos]: w00t! I finally got here without my computer freezing! :3

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: YAAY! *glomps*

[Amiantos Khronos]: XD I can't go to the quiz things though. u.u It freezes then.

[Amiantos Khronos]: XD His mouth is so big, but his eyes are tiny.


[Vampire Akis]: ^^ I don't play anymore ^^"

[*(.Randi.)*]: ENOUGH WITH THE FACES!!! -glares-

[Amiantos Khronos]: WAH!!!

[*(.Randi.)*]: -pats back- It's alright.....shhh....

[Amiantos Khronos]: *cries*

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Eggplant?

[Amiantos Khronos]: ^^ Cucumber!

[*(.Randi.)*]: Naw...pickle!

[Amiantos Khronos]: Tamato!

[Vampire Akis]: ehmmm... cheese?

[Amiantos Khronos]: ^-^ Mmm...

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Yogurt. SICK

[*(.Randi.)*]: Curdled milk...

[Amiantos Khronos]: I <3 yogurt.

[Amiantos Khronos]: Hmph. I like it.

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: I like sweet pickles.

[Amiantos Khronos]: Yuck. Discusting. Dx

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: You're a yuck! *noogie noogie* xD!

[Amiantos Khronos]: xD Yack.

[*(.Randi.)*]: I like both. I like pickles a bit more though! XD But I'm definitely in love with the Whipped! yogurt.

[Amiantos Khronos]: o.o I've never had whipped yogurt!

[*(.Randi.)*]:'s SO good.

[Amiantos Khronos]: ;.; I wish I had some..

[*(.Randi.)*]: ;_; Me too!

[Amiantos Khronos]: TT^TT I'm going to get something to eat right now, cuz I'm hungry.

[*(.Randi.)*]: Heh!

[Amiantos Khronos]: I had toast...

[*(.Randi.)*]: with jelly?

[Amiantos Khronos]: Ew! I hate jelly. Dx With peanutbutter, only cuz we don't have any butter.

[*(.Randi.)*]: EW! Peanut butter!! YEAUCH!

[Amiantos Khronos]: O.O... << I hate the way it smells.

[*(.Randi.)*]: I hate the way it tastes!

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: I <3 peanut butter cookies from Subway.

[Amiantos Khronos]: I've never had one...

[Vampire Akis]: we don't even have subway >.<

[Amiantos Khronos]: O_____O

[*(.Randi.)*]: Ew ew ew EW! How can you people like peanut butter?! -shudder-

[Amiantos Khronos]: o_o; You don't even like peanut butter and chocolate?

[*(.Randi.)*]: Nope!

[Amiantos Khronos]: O_O Oh my gosh!!! That's like, the best thing EVVVEEERRR!!

[*(.Randi.)*]: Yeach, no, it's not! >.<

[Amiantos Khronos]: TT.TT I love it....

[*(.Randi.)*]: Now, jelly on the other hand...YUMMY!

[Amiantos Khronos]: EWWWWW!!!

[*(.Randi.)*]: O______________O No...jelly?

[Amiantos Khronos]: I dun like jelly... it feels weird. ;.;

[*(.Randi.)*]: Jam, then?

[Amiantos Khronos]: I don't think I've ever had it.

[*(.Randi.)*]: Try Raspberry jam. Mmmmmm!!

[Amiantos Khronos]: Ew... I hate raspberry. DX

[*(.Randi.)*]: Raspberry.... is my favorite! :'(

[Amiantos Khronos]: D=< Ewwwwwwww...!


[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Eggplant jam.

[*(.Randi.)*]: Never tried it it good?

[Amiantos Khronos]: She probably just made it up. XD

[*(.Randi.)*]: -chuckles- Probably!

[Amiantos Khronos]: XD She's the only person I've ever met that loves eggplants. I wonder if she's going to cook the one Joshua bought her. xD

[*(.Randi.)*]: I think the color is awefully pretty! -loves purple-

[Amiantos Khronos]: XD Hi!

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: 'Sup dawg?' XD

[Amiantos Khronos]: XD 'Nuffin much homie g fry pan skillet.'

[*(.Randi.)*]: Eggplant!!!

[Kid Raven]: lol eggplant and way i miss a lot lol

[Kid Raven]: ^_^

[*(.Randi.)*]: I don't think I've ever HAD eggplant...oh wait. I had mushy eggplant when I was a baby! But, that doesn't count, does it?

[Amiantos Khronos]: O_o Inno. I've never had eggplant either. xD My mom said it's good.

[Kid Raven]: i had eggplant lasagna it reallllllllly good mmmm i want some now

[Amiantos Khronos]: XD Sounds really gross...

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: I know! It does sound gross! But Raven-chan says its YUMM!

[Amiantos Khronos]: We won't know til we try it. xD But I'll tell you one thing... if it LOOKS gross... and SMELLS gross... then I'm not touching it.
Hmm... Dang I'm hungry. -.- I swear... they went to go get friggan coffee, and they'll be eating there too... and won't get us anything. Makes me mad.

[Amiantos Khronos]: o_O Eggplant lasagna...

Dx I just had ice cream. And now I'm cold... and my right ear hurts real bad.

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: O.o My head is killing me.

[Amiantos Khronos]: u.u I'm sorry.

[*(.Randi.)*]: I had raspberry icecream! YUMMY!

[Amiantos Khronos]: Ew. Dx

[*(.Randi.)*]: What? Actually, it was Raspberry Sorbet. If that makes any difference.

[Amiantos Khronos]: <.< Ew....

[*(.Randi.)*]: o.o it was yummy...

were are you ?????

[Amiantos Khronos]: !?!?! o_o I'm here.

[Demon Epona]: Here.

Raspberry Sorbet is actually really good. (XD My brother works at an ice cream place)

[Amiantos Khronos]: I'm not a fan of raspberry. xD

[Demon Epona]: Lol. I'm not either, but it's good. xD

[Kid Raven]: ^_^ lol I love raspberry tea WOOT

[Amiantos Khronos]: Ew, tea is gross. xD Unless it's iced, with MASS sugar.

[Kid Raven]: lol I love tea best drink in the world to me ^_^

[Amiantos Khronos]: EEewie. xD

[Kid Raven]: lol XXD

[Kid Raven]: woot I have hot pink hair ^_^

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: WOOT I have ... purple/red hair! XD

[Kid Raven]: woot

[Amiantos Khronos]: That's funny that you have purpleish hair now, because if I could, I'd be dying my hair a brownish-purple.

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